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Fracking ban hailed in battle against climate emergency, says CPRE, the countryside charity

The announcement that there will be a ban on all new fracking is a fundamental step forward in ensuring the UK meets its target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050, says CPRE, the countryside charity.

Tom Fyans, Deputy Chief Executive of CPRE, the countryside charity, said:

“Today we celebrate alongside the local communities, campaigners and environmentalists who have been campaigning valiantly to stop fracking for many years. This is a fantastic win for local democracy and everyone who cares about protecting the countryside from climate catastrophe and mass industrialisation.

“CPRE was absolutely resolute in its opposition to policies proposed by the government to ‘fast-track’ fracking through the planning system, removing local people’s voices from the decision-making process. When calls were made to change the rules to allow fracking to continue, even when it caused ever bigger earthquakes, countryside campaigners said “no!” We’ve long called for fracking to be stopped, and are thrilled that our messages have resonated finally.

“In a state of climate emergency, the decision to ban new fracking is absolutely essential but CPRE urges the next government to go even further with a range of policies that will help tackle the climate emergency. As the recently-confirmed host of COP26 in Glasgow in September 2020, the UK must become a genuine world leader in tackling the climate emergency. Further action must be taken to speed up our transition to renewable energies, and bring in steadfast policies to ensure a sustainable transition to zero carbon agriculture. Furthermore, we must restore our peatlands and essential soils and improve the energy efficiency of our existing homes through a retrofit strategy to bring down carbon emissions. Today’s announcement should signal the start of a step change in the way we tackle the climate emergency.”


Please call our Media Relations Lead, Faith Mall, on 020 7981 2819/ 077 3933 2796 for further information

Notes to editors:

CPRE is the countryside charity that campaigns to promote, enhance and protect the countryside for everyone’s benefit, wherever they live. With a local CPRE in every county, we work with communities, businesses and government to find positive and lasting ways to help the countryside thrive - today and for generations to come.

Founded in 1926, President: Emma Bridgewater, Patron: Her Majesty The Queen.

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