Campaign to Protect Rural England Standing up for your countryside

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Monday, 29 October 2018 17:18

CPRE reaction to the Autumn Budget

CPRE has today expressed disappointment at the Government’s support for large new road-building projects, with billions of pounds of funding allocated for new roads in the Thames Estuary and the Oxford-Cambridge Arc. This scale of expenditure stands in stark contrast to the limited investment for environmental improvements announced in the…
CPRE welcomes the opportunity to give its views and evidence into how we can improve England’s National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) and to ensure these iconic landscapes remain just as beautiful for the benefit of current and future generations. A call for evidence was launched today…
CPRE welcomes Theresa May’s announcement that the Government will scrap the borrowing cap on local authority Housing Revenue Accounts. For far too long rural councils have been unable to build enough social rented homes to meet local needs, due to lack of funding. Rural communities desperately need more truly affordable…
The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) welcomes the Government’s commitment to provide more long term funding for housing associations. However, it questions whether rural communities will receive their fair share, and whether the spending announced today will actually represent an increase in funding for social housing in real terms…
CPRE has today criticised the announcement that the government has accepted Highways England’s preferred ‘corridor B’ for a new expressway designed to speed up journeys between Oxford and Cambridge. The minister claimed that the road will ‘help unlock the commercial development of up to one million new homes’, with the…
Wednesday, 12 September 2018 10:12

CPRE reaction to Agriculture Bill

CPRE welcomes the publication today of the first major Agriculture Bill for 70 years, which will legislate for a new system of ‘public money for public goods’ to deliver better environmental outcomes and improve the viability of the sector. CPRE have long called for such a system, and made the…
CPRE is warning the government that unless the delivery of new social housing is significantly increased in rural communities, they will be at risk of being left behind, following the publication of a Social Housing Green Paper today (14 August). The Green Paper makes a number of positive steps towards…
The Campaign to Protect Rural England has labelled the revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) a ‘speculative developers’ charter’, as the government published its new planning rulebook earlier today (24 July). Despite a promise to ‘build attractive and better-designed homes in areas where they are needed’, CPRE points out that…
Two government consultations open today (19 July) on proposals that would streamline the planning process for fracking and reduce the ability of local communities to influence fracking applications. CPRE is criticising the government for its disregard of widespread opposition and the huge risks it poses to our countryside. The first…

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