Campaign to Protect Rural England Standing up for your countryside

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News release archive

You can read our news releases from the previous last three years.

Bigger is not always better when it comes to food production, so we need to avoid being driven into a mega-farm cul-de-sac, where only those who can afford new technologies dominate
A new Private Member’s Bill proposes to tackle roadside litter as the cost of clearing it up reached £863 million in 2010-11
Figures released today (Thursday) show an increase of 4.4% in the use of single-use carrier bags in England, while Wales showed a 76% decrease in usage. It is clear that a small charge radically reduces litter, yet the Government still wants to 'monitor' the scheme
The countryside is at risk from a relaxation of planning policies, a weakening of local democracy and a focus on short-term economic growth. CPRE’s charter to Save Our Countryside lays the foundations for a better way of planning for the future so that we can protect our unique countryside while building houses people need
CPRE's latest food report reveals the scale of the local food network in and around Penrith
CPRE is coordinating the launch of the UK Deposit Alliance in London today (Wednesday), where speakers from across Europe will highlight how putting a small deposit on drinks containers increases recycling revenue and quality, creates jobs and eradicates litter.
Strawberries and cream are as English as rain at Wimbledon, but don't forget about the entire range of berries currently on offer - stock up on all seasonal local fruit and give a much needed boost to local food growers for 2013's summer.
CPRE releases findings of a supermarket survey asking what the leading 7 supermarkets are doing to support the English countryside and food producers. We found that despite some welcome initiatives, they could easily do much more to help farmers and the countryside.

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Hay field harvest

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