Campaign to Protect Rural England Standing up for your countryside

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Gaylor discovers English culture

Gaylor Barré Gaylor Barré Photo: © CPRE

Combining a way of improving my English while working in an environmental organisation were the main reasons why I wanted to volunteer with CPRE.

As part of my bachelor degree in Sustainable Development in Normandy, I was lucky to volunteer as an Office Volunteer for CPRE National Office. Not only were these five months aimed at improving my English but it also gave me a chance to know a bit more about what CPRE was achieving at both nationally and locally.

As a French student, this internship was a proper professional immersion into an English charity; this has enabled me to notice the main differences between working in France and England. Moreover, I have had the chance to attend great events on different topics such as energy or land use. I have talked with several CPRE volunteers but also staff from other organisations. This experience confirmed my desire to continue my studies into a master’s degree specialising in environmental and project management.

I have particularly enjoyed the friendly atmosphere in the office; everyone is lovely and keen to help. This experience was perfect to have a better knowledge of how this charity operates in its campaigning and fundraising strategies. I have also witnessed the work of everyone involved in CPRE and it has made me feel really optimistic for the preservation of the English countryside.

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