Campaign to Protect Rural England Standing up for your countryside

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Ways to volunteer

LitterFree Durham LitterFree Durham

CPRE appreciates any time our volunteers can give. We believe it is crucial for us to provide volunteers with opportunities that match their expectations and the time they can spend with us.

We recognise that we could not have the same impact on national policies or local issues without the help of all our volunteers. Each small commitment can make a huge difference when all of our strength across branches, regional groups and national office are combined. Please find below examples of how you can help us!

Volunteer in your local branch

The regional groups and county branches vary markedly in their size and activities. Regions and branches are generally interested in a wide range of conservation and environmental issues. They often focus on land use planning but also play an active role in organising engaging events and awards, as well as campaigning on transport, landscape, agriculture and the future of rural communities.

Below are just some examples of what you can do depending on the time you have to spare but what you can get involved in will mostly rely on the needs of your local branch. To know a bit more about what they are currently carrying out, please do contact them. You fill find all the details of the local branches of CPRE by following this link.

 One hour per week
  • Producing publicity Write news releases or organise photo opportunities, create newsletters, websites or campaign materials.
  • Helping at events Local groups are always in need of people who can give a few hours at stalls at local shows and events or those who can use their organisational skills to set up an event.
  • Distributing leaflets Make a difference and get some exercise into the bargain - deliver campaign leaflets to local homes.
  • Helping in the office Our branches always love help with filing, mailings, archiving, accounts or letter writing.
  • Developing our presence on social media Retweet us, like us/post about our work on Facebook, and share our activity with your friends.
One or two days per week
  • Media volunteering Prepare press releases and contact local media to get them to cover an event that the branch is organising.
  • Data analysing Gather and analyse data to help us write a case study around environmental issues.
  • Helping your branch develop a fundraising and recruitment strategy Help fundraising efforts in your local area by using your skills to develop the fundraising potential of your local CPRE group or by helping to recruit new members.
  • Lobbying Chat to councillors, MPs and local authority officers about CPRE's campaigns.
  • Become a threat detector! If you know about the planning process, you could help assess local planning applications. If you don't know how, we’d be happy to tell you more.
One month
  • Take on a specific project If you think you have a good idea for a new project, why not speak to your local branch about how you could help? It could be any project, for example, one of our volunteers is using the email software ‘MailChimp’ to develop a mailing list for an e-bulletin.

For more information, contact our Branch Development team, on 020 7981 2845.


Volunteer from home

We understand that everyone has commitments and that many of you can’t volunteer for long periods of time or make the journey to your local branch; however we strongly believe that any small amount of time is hugely valuable and you can help us a great deal from the comfort of your own home! We have a wide range of activities that can be done in the time you can spare us – whether great or small.

Only have a moment to spare? How about:
  • Joining us on social media? Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to know what we are working on and to show your interest in what we do.
  • Giving from just £3 per month to join CPRE.
  • Subscribing to our newsletter to keep up to date to our news!
  • Sharing our policy reports to help our messages reach the right people.
Have a bit longer? What about:
  • Taking part in our LitterAction campaign to keep the countryside tidy.
  • Helping us with research work that will then inform our campaigning.


Volunteer at National Office

The National Office focuses on campaigning nationally for positive solutions for the long-term future of the countryside. Volunteer opportunities are regularly advertised to help us carry out our projects.

To get involved, contact the National Office, on: 020 7981 2800

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